4 Following

Hungry For Words

Currently reading

Blood In, Blood Out (Vampire)
Lucien Soulban
Progress: 98/277 pages
Bridget Jones's Diary
Helen Fielding
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde, Jeffrey Eugenides
Haunting Violet
Alyxandra Harvey

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Her hair is blue. Not dyed, but natural blue. And if you know that, you can understand that magic in this story is heavily involved. But after some time, you feel the tension inside book, and understand, that this is not about magic, this is more about "missing element". This is a modern Romeo and Juliet story, which is projected to an imaginary world of constant war between angels and demons and our real world. But the ending is too far from a Shakespear's one, since it is only a beginning. I think, Daughter of Smoke and Bone has more than just a smooth story: it builds intrigue, makes you feel love and compassion to a main characters and eager a line-up to continue.